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Publishing the Jewish Art Calendar Since 1984
718-773-0525 - info@
Gathering Your Ads

Gathering Your Ads
Using Files from Older Calendars
There are 2 ways to reuse files:

Using Files from Older Calendars
Sending Your Files to Us
Sending Your Files to Us
Calendar Proofs
If you inform us of them, we will correct any mistakes that we may have made while processing your files and send you new proofs for your approval.
You need to send back to us, by email or fax only, the signed approval form of the proofs . Verbal approvals will not be accepted. We will not print your calendar without receipt of your approval form.

Calendar Proofs
Our Mailing Service
We can mail your calendar non-profit bulk, with your return address, directly from our printer and save you the shipping costs and the bother of doing the mailing yourself.
For us to do your mailing for you, we need your mailing list. You may email it to us at: Include your lot number and city on the email to identify your list.
We optionally offer to insert letter(s) or flyer(s) inside the calendar and to poly bag the calendar (instead of a large outside envelope).
Also, if we are doing the mailing for you, make sure to use our layout for the back cover, which can be found on page 32 of the personalization page.
Our Mailing Service
Mailing at Non-Profit Rates
For your calendar to qualify for non-profit mailing rates you need to do all of the following:
Put a MASTHEAD on page 2, page 3 or page 32 (back cover). (DMM: E211 10.4) The masthead may be very small and in very small type such as 6-7 point. It should read approximately as follows: Jewish Art Calendar is published by (your organization name), (your street address or P.O. Box), (your city, state, zip). It is sent free to all members and friends of (your organization name?) infrequently throughout the year. Issue #1 (or #2, etc.). (PLEASE update the issue number.)
Put your organization?s name on the return address exactly as it appears on your original application for mailing at non-profit rates. If you wish, you may put it in very small size type and put your better known name under it in much large size type. You may put only ONE address under your organization name. Any other names and addresses need to be placed above your ?official? name and address.
If we are doing the mailing for you, the indicia should say: NonProfit Org. US Postage PAID Utica, NY Permit No. 59 If we are mailing at Standard mail rates, the first line should say ?Prsrt Std?.
Do NOT put ads for travel agents or insurance agents ? unless you do NOT mention the words travel or insurance. For example, if the company name is Smith Insurance Agency ? just put: ?Smith Agency?. Company logos or national company names MAY be prohibited. You may say, for example, ?The best service? or ?worldwide service? or ?24 hour a day service?. You may NOT say by name any type of actual insurance or travel service ? such as ?fire, health, life, home? for insurance or such as ?plane, boat, train, car rental, and/or hotel reservations? for travel. If you would receive a lot of $$$ for full travel or insurance ads, it may pay for you to take the ads and mail the calendar by standard mail instead of non-profit mail. The cost is about 10? more per calendar.
​If this is the first time we are mailing your calendar non-profit, we need to submit to the Post Office at Utica, NY a USPS form 3623 for each organization mailing calendars. There is no cost for submitting this form. Please fill out and sign the form 3623 which you can download by clicking here. Please send us the form ASAP, as approvals from the post office take time.
Mailing at Non-Profit Rates
Final Steps

Payment of the entire balance due, including postage, all mailing and shipping costs is due before shipping and/or mailing.
Final Steps
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